


Shuxun Tian, PhD student at Wuhan University, working on cosmology and gravity theory. There are still many basic problems with gravity. In the first year, under the guidance of my supervisor, I mainly focused on the cosmological coincidence problem and tried to construct a gravity theory that better than general relativity. Unfortunately, we did not succeed. However, at this stage, by constructing a specific gravity model (PRD2018), we are more aware that it is not easy to replace the Einstein field equation. After that, we shifted our focus to test the gravity theory, and now we have completed two related works in the weak field region (PRD2019a) and strong field region (PRD2019b). We hope to find the second phenomenon that inconsistent with the classical general relativity (the late-time cosmic acceleration found at the end of the last century is the first one; PRD2019b provides a possible clue). If found, this will be very helpful for the future development of gravity theory.