


Guobin Mou is a researcher of the Xie-Chuang Center in WHU. My research areas include: numerical studies on AGN outflows, tidal disruption even, and the past activity and related relics of Sgr A*. During the past year, we obtained the basic physical parameters such as the position and density of broad absorption lines (BAL) by counting the C IV recombination timescale, which is published in Nature Astronomy (He et al. 2019,Nature Astronomy, 3, 265). By examining the long-term optical and X-ray observations, we found the rebrightening phenomenon of a TDE candidate PS1-10adi occurred at 1500 days after the peak luminosity (Jiang et al. 2019, ApJ, 871, 15).For the age of the Milky Way North Polar Spur structure and the Fermi bubble, we verified our previous theoretical model in which the age is 10 million years, and the horizontal galactic wind speed is 250 km by the numerical simulations (Sun et al. to be submitted).For the formation mechanism of BAL outflow, we demonstrate for the first time that dusty stripped gas clouds at 10 parsecs scale from the quasar can be accelerated to the observed BAL velocities in 3D MHD simulations. We found a mechanism to suppress hydrodynamic instability during this process and solved the puzzles long-term existing in this field (Mou et al. 2019, to be submitted). Besides, for undergraduates who are interested in doing research, I organized a computational astrophysics training and recruited 8 undergraduates to do research.