Seminar time: 2021/12/07 10:00-12:00 (CST)

Speaker: Feng Yuan(Shanghai Astronomical Observatory)

Outflows and flares from black hole accretion flows

Feng Yuan


Black hole accretion flows are accompanied by outflows, including wind and jet. In the first part of my talk, I will talk about wind launched from hot accretion flows, including: 1) why we think wind must exist; 2) the main physical properties such as mass flux and velocity; 3) acceleration mechanism; 4) comparison between jet and wind; and 5) observational evidences. In the second part of my talk, I will focus on the episodic jet and its associated flares. Such kind of phenomena are widely observed in black hole sources such as Sgr A* and M87. In some cases, the ejection speed is measured and some periodicity is found. I will introduce our MHD model for the ejection and flares, which is based on our three dimensional MHD numerical simulations.
