Prof. Xi-Long Fan invites you to participate in the Tencent meeting

Speaker: Jian-Hua He

Simulating the wave effects of gravitational waves in a potential well

whu-gw Group Meeting - He Jianhua Seminar

Meeting time: 2020/6/5 10:00-12:00 (CST)

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In this talk, I will introduce a numerical method on how to simulate the wave effects of GWs in a potential well. Based on our recent results, I will discuss how the wave effects, such as wave front, diffraction, and inference affect the wave speed and wave form of GWs. In particular, I will talk about whether GWs can arrive earlier than that of electromagnetic (EM) counterpart. __________


He Jianhua is an associate professor at the School of Astronomy and Space Science at Nanjing University. In 2006, he obtained a bachelor’s degree in physics from Shanghai Jiaotong University. In 2011, he obtained a doctorate degree in theoretical physics from Fudan University. From 2011 to 2015, he was engaged in postdoctoral research work at the Italian National Observatory. From 2015 to 2018, he was awarded the International Junior Research Fellowship by Durham University in the United Kingdom and engaged in research work at the Durham University Computational Cosmology Center (ICC, Durham). In December 2018, he was supported by Nanjing University’s Dengfeng B program and joined the School of Astronomy and Space Science. Mainly engaged in cosmological research. His research areas include cosmic microwave background radiation and the formation of large-scale structures in the universe. Participated in the ESLA Euclid satellite project and the Sky Survey project by the US Department of Energy’s Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI). In recent years, he has mainly been engaged in research on gravitational wave-related topics.

You’re welcome to participate this Friday morning!